Save time and money with Zscan
We are at your side to help you capture images, prepare reports and manage patient information efficiently and securely.
We have support from Monday to Friday from 7:30 in the morning. Click here (62) 3273-8034
Capture images and videos. Create and manage reports and store them in the cloud. Everything in one place.
🌎 More than 6.000 clinics and hospitals around the world trust Zscan
Complete management of the flow of imaging exams. From patient registration to report delivery.
Editing reports with artificial intelligence
Integrate the diagnostic imaging departments into the same HIS and PACS as the hospital and work as a team.
Issue reports from anywhere and on any device and store them securely in the cloud.
There are many resources available to simplify your examination routine.
Customize once and reuse predefined report templates whenever necessary.
Capture images and videos in up to 4k UHD for more accurate diagnoses and a better patient experience.
Intelligent voice recognition optimized for medical vocabulary in Portuguese.
Drag and drop images, add quick notes and save drafts in progress.
Produce more reports in less time with saved templates and voice typing.
Increase patient satisfaction and loyalty by sharing videos of pregnancy ultrasounds.
Make video laryngoscopies available for modern, integrated care.
Ensure efficiency when capturing images, creating reports and organizing exams in a practical and safe way.
With Zscan, you guarantee a continuous and satisfying experience, achieving the success you are looking for.
You can count on our experts to accompany you and help you learn the tool quickly and efficiently.
Humanized service provided by a team committed to helping you whenever you need it.
Your system is always up to date with the latest technologies.
doctors trust Zscan
Clinics and hospitals in 20+ countries trust
of reports created in Zscan
more productivity for doctors
I was treated very well by the technician. I think that the great advantage of having a product like zscan is, in addition to the quality of the product, having this quality and fast technical assistance.
Every day improving the software and thus improving our life in the office.
Extremely stable and reliable program. Online support works great!
Easy to use, the image capturing is terrific, and it's very cost-effective. The images produced are very helpful to both my patients and other referring doctors.
Zscan has managed to give us a clear overview of how to handle information, both in individualized form and in statistical and medical studies.
All the system's tools are designed to make the creation of reports quick, easy and uncomplicated.
Create reports in seconds with reusable templates and easy editing.
Manage patient records and exam history on a single platform.
Delight your patients with personalized reports and images in up to 4K UHD.
Easily organize all your exams with a centralized agenda.
Send test results by WhatsApp and email.
Get a complete overview of your clinic with detailed statistics.
Drag and drop images to create reports with less effort.
doctors trust
reports created in Zscan
time saved in creating reports
Zscan's global presence
Would you like to request a quote, seek technical support or have any questions about our solutions?
We are at your side to help you capture images, prepare reports and manage patient information efficiently and securely.
We are by your side to help you capture images, create and manage reports and manage your clinic completely in one place.
ZSCAN Software Corporation - USA
2400 Northwest 93rd Avenue suite 103 Doral FL 33172
+1 786-531-5072
Zscan Software - Brazil
Rua 14, 309 Conjunto Riviera , Goiânia GO CEP 74730-250
+55 62 3273-8034
Our team of experts is ready to assist you.