Save time and money with Zscan
We are at your side to help you capture images, prepare reports and manage patient information efficiently and securely.
We have support from Monday to Friday from 7:30 in the morning. Click here (62) 3273-8034
We are at your side to help you capture images, prepare reports and manage patient information efficiently and securely.
We are by your side to help you capture images, create and manage reports and manage your clinic completely in one place.
ZSCAN Software Corporation - USA
2400 Northwest 93rd Avenue suite 103 Doral FL 33172
+1 786-531-5072
Zscan Software - Brazil
Rua 14, 309 Conjunto Riviera , Goiânia GO CEP 74730-250
+55 62 3273-8034
Our team of experts is ready to assist you.